Whether you are an Emotional Empath or not, the holidays (and the family dynamics that come with them) can be extremely stressful. Siblings bickering at the dinner table, your mother-in-law judging your cooking, or your uncle hitting the egg nog a little too hard, can all add up to an overload of emotion and anxiety for you.
Even if your uncle doesn’t hit the nog this year, most of us have one friend, relative, or neighbor that drives us bananas during the holiday season.
Am I right?
When you are a highly sensitive person (especially if you are an Emotional Empath) being around chaos, negativity, and traumatic situations can wear on you emotionally, energetically, and even physically.
So the question is, can you protect your personal energy, emotions, and physical reactions this season? Yes. It’s not easy, it won’t take all your stress away, but it can help.
Here are my top 5 tips on how to survive the holiday season:
1. Ground Yourself Before Attending the Function using Crystals
Before you even say hello to your Aunt Betty or Uncle Jerry, run (don’t walk!) to your nearest metaphysical shop. Crystals are powerful tools that can be used for many things such as opening up intuition, creating a harmonious space in your home or office, attracting love, protecting you from negative energy, and yes you guessed it…grounding your energy.
Not all grounding crystals work in the same way for every person, so it’s important to physically hold the crystal in the palm of your hand and feel it’s energy. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and trust the first reaction you have. When you find the stone that will ground you effectively, you will know.
In the event you cannot get to a metaphysical shop and need to buy a crystal online, you can still choose the best crystal for yourself.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, and say,“Spirit, please guide me to my grounding crystal.”
Open your eyes, scan the page and the first grounding crystal that jumps out for you will be the one.
Once you have chosen your crystal (and cleansed it), keep it on or near your body when you are heading to a stressful situation. I personally like to keep my crystal in my pocket and rub it in my hand when the negativity starts to ramp up. It calms me and reminds me to breathe.
2. Protect Your Aura with an Energy Shield
Protecting your aura with an energy shield is helpful not only during stressful family functions, but is a great tool to use if large crowds are especially overwhelming for you. I use this tool when in busy locations as it cuts down the energetic noise and helps protect me as an Emotional Empath.
1. Take a deep breath
2. Imagine a white light of protection coming down from Source, your Higher Self, or your Guides
3. As the white light reaches about a foot above your crown chakra (located at the top of your head) say, “Spirit, please cleanse my aura of any energy which is not mine or which no longer serves me.”
4. Imagine the white light moving down and expanding over your body like a protective dome or bubble in which outside energies and emotions cannot penetrate.
5. Whenever you feel that someone is coming your way with negativity or stress, see the energetic shield protecting your aura and sending that energy right back to the person it came from.
3. Put Yourself in Time Out
I love this one as my husband has actually put me in time out (as a joke) when I was extra crabby with him and the kids after having a rough day. Now, I put myself in a time out whenever I feel like I need a minute to myself or feel like I might strangle someone in the family.
(That last part was a joke…mostly!)
1. Pour yourself a relaxing beverage such as warm tea (or in my case a glass of red wine)
2. Go to your room and away from any family or friends that might be bugging you
3. Grab a book or put on your favorite mindless show (Housewives anyone?)
4. Relax until you can face the world again
I know this isn’t a mind-blowing tip, but it’s still a good one, right?
4. Breathe in Energy and Light. Breathe out Negativity and Stress
This is a great one to do all year round as it is a helpful daily practice for dealing with life and stress in general. Feel free to do this whenever you need to release negativity in your day or at the end of the day before you retire to bed.
1. Go to a quiet room, where you can turn off the light, and be alone without distraction for a few minutes.
2. Sit in a chair or on the edge of a bed and place your feet on the ground.
3. Close your eyes.
4. Slowly breathe in through your nose to the count of four. Picture the air you are bringing in as white, positive, energetic light as it fills your lungs.
5. Hold that light in your lungs for the count of four while thinking, “I breathe in energy.”
6. Slowly breathe out, tip your head slightly back, and exhale for a count of eight. Picture your exhaling breath as a release for any negative energy that you encountered during the day. If you would like, you can picture this breath as being dark. Release all dark, negative energy while thinking, “I breathe out negativity.”
7. Repeat until you feel an energetic shift and less stress.
5. Release the Monkeys
This is another one of my favorites and easy to do right in the middle of the function you are attending, especially if someone around you is creating drama.
As the chaos is ramping up, repeat the following mantra in your head:
“This is not my issue. This is about them.”
“This is not my issue. This is about them.”
“This is not my issue. This is about them.”
Continue to repeat the mantra until you remove yourself from being a part of the negative situation.
Or, you could always lighten the mantra up like my sister does by repeating, “Not my circus. Not my monkeys.”
Whether you release the monkeys or release the issue, both work equally well!
At the end of the day, the holidays are supposed to be about friends, family, love, and joy. Using these tips in a thoughtful and intentional way will hopefully allow you to focus on the positive and enjoy your loved ones.
Do you have any holiday tips for energetically sensitive people? Please comment below and let me know!
Hi, I'm Shelly.
I am a mother, wife, spiritual blogger, and professional psychic. I am also sassy, down-to-Earth, and love to share my stories, tools, and connection to Spirit with all of you.
Welcome to my blog!
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